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Cool material, indeed. My biggest concern is why do people trust people that have no professional experience nor has ever worked in a restaurant? Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinion, specially when they are paying customers; but the power to have such a reachable media presence and voice is something that worries me.

Being contacted by newspapers just because you are known on Instagram should not give anyone such a power, it's unfair if you ask me.

And as you say on a question to them, if they would ever consider taking a job as a restaurant critic, why would someone with not enough knowledge nor professional experience should have that big of a responsibility?

That is stepping into dangerous waters, not only is unfair but it does not make any sense. As I said, why would anyone trust someone that never worked in a restaurant about what it constitutes a good dish or a glass of wine?

Copenhagen nowadays gives too much value to social media, you don't even need to be good anymore, just known.

Food for thought.

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